We would love your feedback!

We would love your feedback

Hello and happy weekend!

What’s this?!

An email on a Saturday?

Yes, we know - this is not something that we usually do, but in this rare instance, we would really appreciate your valued feedback.

Is there money in…?

For those who regularly tune into Equity Mates Investing Podcast, you would know that over the last month we have released a series called Is There Money In…? with Australian comedian Ed Kavalee.

If you don’t tune in to the podcast, now you know.

The premise is simple.

Each episode we dive into a particular theme, to understand the economics behind it, and to find out if there’s actually any money in it.


We recognise this series is a diversion from the regular content on Equity Mates Investing, so we would LOVE your feedback, good or bad.

If you have had a chance to listen, you can leave your feedback via this simple form.

If you haven’t had a chance to listen, you will find links to the episodes below, as well as the YouTube videos.

We want to keep creating content that is educational, engaging and fun, but in the right place. It’s important we understand what it is YOU want from us.

Take a listen

Is there money in… a song? Apple Podcasts | Spotify 

How much do the top streamers on Spotify actually make, and who makes all the royalties with mash-ups?

Is there money in… YouTube? Apple Podcasts | Spotify 

With over 200 million subscribers, the top YouTube creators are making a fortune. But what would it take for us to make a living from YouTube?

Is there money in… Olympic Gold? Apple Podcasts | Spotify 

Some countries reward their athletes with big money if they win, others don’t. Find out the economic benefit of winning an Olympic Gold Medal.

Is there money in… horse racing? Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube

Australian’s love horse racing. But is it as glamorous as we think? We know one thing… it pays to be a stud owner.

Is there money in… movies? Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube

If we were to make a movie today, what genre would give us the best chance of making big money? Tune in to find out.

Is there money in… bodybuilding? Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube

Does big muscle equal a big pay cheque or is this industry purely for the love of it? You may be surprised.

Is there money in… books? Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube

Some of the most popular authors are multi-millionaires. But what does it take to really make money from writing books?

Is there money in… Jesus? Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube

There’s lots… but you’ll be shocked by some examples of how the money is spent.

Is there money in… Stadium Tours? Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube

It’s hard to miss the Taylor Swift hype, as she sells out stadium concerts around the world. But how much does she actually take home at the end of the day, and why do bands from the 70’s STILL go on tour?

Again, here’s the form for you to provide us with you thoughts, and if you have any broader feedback on the show, please let us know!

Have a great weekend.

Bryce and Ren